
Hi Beauties,

This post will be a little more serious about the economics of the beauty industry and an example.

Let me know what you think in the comments below. I’m interested to hear your responses.


A photo of Ulta’s website
A photo of Colourpop’s website

How companies trick you…

Is it fair that companies charge differently across platforms?

These are exactly the same products!

If you buy mostly online, a faithful buyer would feel dismayed if they saw the price comparison and felt swindled by their favorite brand for charging twice as much for the same thing on their website, not including the additional cost of shipping.

What is the true cost of the product? Or are you only concerned with making more money?

I’m not sure what their contract with Ulta is, but it doesn’t seem to be about paying for it. The photos show that they are charging twice as much on their own website.

Especially in these COVID circumstances, this kind of behavior from any brand to in this way punish those customers that don’t feel comfortable or can’t go out to get their own products safely.

It isn’t fair to the person with the illness to have another cost obstacle from a hobby that brings them joy.

Make it make sense, please.

Imagine that your friend from California went to a store chain. She told you about a deal that is going on and how much she paid for a shirt.

You are excited! You see that exact shirt at your favorite brand store but it isn’t on sale. It’s actually more. The company isn’t willing to price match, even though it is exactly the same mass-produced product and maker.

Her friend will get a better price because of where she lives and what she has access to.

In this scenario, you don’t live near an Ulta or have access to get to one, and they are mostly located in cities. In a lot of circumstances, families that live away from the city may not have as much money.

I’ve seen the opposite cases where there is a better online only price or on the brand’s websites, than what the customer is buying in the store. In the next case, we are going to talk about how buying from their online shop would save you $10 for the exact same product.

More Evidence

A photo of the palette Lust for Dusk on Ulta’s website.
A photo of the palette Lust for Dusk on Colourpop’s website.

As a customer…

It always hurts my heart when I can’t tell a customer about a better deal online because that would mean buying it somewhere else. In the above case, This brand might be encouraging customers to buy online and directly through them.

As a customer and as a fan of this brand, this seems to me that they only care about making money, since they don’t price match their online deals.

Do you think that brands should charge the same as online?

Do you think it is classist for all of this brand’s buyers to be expected to have access to the internet and resources?

I understand the concept of finding deals, but I don’t get why getting it in person would cost more than what they are offering for the same exact thing online. This is upsetting.

Imagine this: you buy something from your favorite fast-food restaurant, but it is cheaper on the app than in person. This is the same food, but the consumer is punished for not having access to technology.

A homeless person needs to save money in any way that they can but not having that expensive tool costs you more. They might want a warm meal.

It is the same exact food.

Now you might think this is a stretch by comparing it to a necessity.

Again, it isn’t fair to the person dealing with the hardship to have another cost obstacle from a hobby that brings them joy.

Why would you be paying more (or full price) for buying it instantaneously, rather than getting a discounted rate and not getting it for a week because it has to ship?

Is that the price of convenience? Am I crazy?

2 thoughts on “Deals?

  1. Lizakathryn24 says:

    Great post! I agree with you that it is classist. You shouldn’t have to pay more getting it in person. I personally love makeup but I can’t afford high end most of the time so if I do buy a more expensive product I have to budget for it.


  2. Moha says:

    I agree with your statement. Even with the shipping fee online it is still at a lower cost than buying in person which is unfair.


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