Is Expensive Makeup Worth It?

“You don’t need to buy expensive cosmetics; almost anything will do if you know how to apply it.” – Dolly Parton

Hello Beauties,

My week has progressively gotten better as the days have gone by! I got to see one of my lovely friends today. We went to the mall, ate sushi, got back rubs in the recliners that you put money into, and visited Sephora.

Courtney and friend in mirror

I’ve never bought anything in Sephora; today was no exception. I do like to look around and be outraged by all of the expensive prices!

In the past, I went to Sephora with my best friend and watched her spend close to $200 on maybe six small items. My jaw dropped when the cashier rung up her order. My best friend laughed in amusement. I would never spend that much money on makeup.

First off, I do not have the kind of money to spend on makeup at one time.

Second, I could never justify spending that much on a luxury.

Third, I do not think I look bad using what I work with, and I do not think anyone can tell the difference that I am not using high end products.

Courtney not smiling

Which brings me to the point: Is expensive makeup worth it?

I do not think so! I think people can look beautiful with the bare minimum. It is more in the application of the product. I think there are limitations, in regards to coverage and lasting ability. For me, I do not want to cement the makeup on my face. I want it to last a day, then try something new tomorrow or not at all. I find “good enough” products. I would rather invest my money in other things. I understand that you get what you pay for and supposedly the brand name beauty products are better, but I do just fine with what I have available. Do not feel obligated to compete with these other women by splurging on products. It’s ridiculous.

My best advice if you love makeup and want a flawless look on a budget is to watch a lot of makeup videos and perfect your technique to get the look you want. I’m more impressed with someone’s ability to make any kind of makeup conform to the look they want. You are the master of the brush; harness that ability.

See you next week!


7 thoughts on “Is Expensive Makeup Worth It?

    • Elizabeth says:

      Omg I totally agree w you! My favorite foundation brand is from HARD CANDY !! I’ve tried the expensive makeups n NOTHING compares to drugstore for me lol!! ✨🙌🏼💕💕


  1. thedailyveghead says:

    I agree with you. It sucks especially if you decide to spend more and then are disappointed with what you got. It can be nice to splurge every once in a while though, if there’s something you’ve been eyeing 🙂


  2. anneliselr says:

    I definitely agree. I almost cry when my friends pay $60+ on makeup in Sephora or Ulta. Covergirl is more than enough for me, especially since I rarely wear makeup. There are always better things to spend that money on!


    • crouchcr says:

      You look beautiful without makeup. I agree. I think that the only people who should be spending massive amounts of money on makeup are actors/actresses and people that do makeup for a living. I am concerned with beauty gurus pushing products now. The people that watch their videos can not afford all of those products.


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